I often find myself capturing moments where people aren’t all looking at me, sometimes they’re smiling other times they’re not. It really doesn’t matter to me because we aren’t always smiling in real life…
Read MoreWhen Ania told me she had breast cancer, I don’t think I’ve ever been more surprised. She’s young and otherwise healthy, I know nothing in life is guaranteed but dang somethings really catch you off guard! We celebrated her healing process and her body as it has changed and been affected by treatment. She is whole and beautiful. 💛
Read MoreA few of my favorite engagement session locations in the Phoenix area…
Read MoreSenior Sessions are some of my favorite portrait sessions, here’s this human about to graduate high school and step into the world as an adult. We remember those awkward years of beginning to truly find yourself and your passions, what is it you want to do with your life? Rarely do we actually know. So, we pause that moment…
Read MoreWhen Nicholle and I started chatting about creating a unique photoshoot experience for her family, I knew I wanted to use the shopping cart I found. Nicholle thrifted each outfit and I would give feedback - y’all it felt so good to work with a client who trusted my creative visions. The kids helped set up the shopping cart which by the way is my favorite way to include the kiddos. Here’s what we shot.…
Read MoreThis was a 30 minute half sesh! We had a blast running around and enjoying taking photos at the Phoenix Mountain Preserves. This mountain trail is in the heart of Phoenix, I know a lot of photographers don’t share their best shoot locations, but I know every photographer sees something different.
Read MoreI snuck away to the Tucson desert last weekend to hang out with an old friend and his new beautiful family.
Read MoreLove my repeat clients. Not only is Megan a repeat client she also sends all her friends my way and I am forever grateful for it. Anyway, Chris and her are just the freakin’ cutest and I love. hanging out with them every Holiday Card season - though I would totally meet her for brunch (side note: Megan we should do brunch when the Covid is over). Here’s a peek at their half sesh!
Read MoreFor the class of 2020, my heart hurts. They've worked so hard for the past 13 years and now at their time to celebrate, we've shut everything down. My responsibility as a photographer is to to document everything. So from a distance, with a good lens, I captured these senior photos.
Read MoreI love intimate ceremonies but more importantly collaborating with my family. The Husband officiated their wedding. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were there witnesses.
Read MorePart of my creative goal this year is to give away 12 sessions to both past and future clients. I forgot how much I love capturing images without the pressure of delivering the perfect instagram-able image to my clients. Without that stress I’m more creative and willing to try new weird things. Plus, I wanted to try out a new location and this was the perfect excuse.
Read MoreI’m including probably too many images here, but I wanted to show the wide variety and versatility a henna goddess session offers especially during pregnancy. We hit up two diverse locations and did three outfit changes and had time to drive all within an hour.
Read MoreSometimes I can’t believe it’s real life and people trust me with their most precious memories, like damn, that’s special. Here’s a look at their session, I could not have asked for a more beautiful sky or better weather. Throw in some adorable humans and you have a successful family sesh.
Read MoreI love Halloween and October, the cool weather brings all the spooky vibes and fun dress up memories from my childhood. I took the kiddos out thrifting for costumes and accessories, went through the house to find all the decorations we already owned literally packed a suitcase and rolled out to the desert.
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