Posts in Phoenix
From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Transforming Everyday People into Icons; The #PortraitProject Summer 2023

I wanted to document as many people as I could this summer, stay busy, make art. I knew, in order to do that, I’d have to extend myself out to my community for a community offering. Allowing people the opportunity to stand in fron t of my camera without any excuses or reservations. So I launched the #portraitproject

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Vintage Creative Family Session in the Phoenix Desert

When Nicholle and I started chatting about creating a unique photoshoot experience for her family, I knew I wanted to use the shopping cart I found. Nicholle thrifted each outfit and I would give feedback - y’all it felt so good to work with a client who trusted my creative visions. The kids helped set up the shopping cart which by the way is my favorite way to include the kiddos. Here’s what we shot.…

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