HUSTLE + HONEY Ep. 4: Between Realms Shamanic Priestess and Wellness Center Boss Babe| Kseniya of Abundant Space

The Hustle and Honey podcast where we explore the sweetness, struggle and success of running your own business with other successful entrepreneurs in Phoenix, Arizona and beyond. We’re your co-hosts; meesh, jenn and amber.

Ep. 4: Between Realms Shamanic Priestess and Wellness Center Boss Babe| Kseniya of Abundant Space


On this episode of HUSTLE + HONEY we discuss the unique challenges of starting a new business in a new city, that dirty little word, 'networking' and the blessings of starting a business that works for you as opposed to you working for it, especially in the season of motherhood.

Kseniya is a Shamanic breathwork practitioner and owner of Abundant Space in Scottsdale, Arizona. She mentions her mentor, ⁠Mara Clear Spring ⁠in San Diego, ⁠David Elliott for her breathwork training ⁠and Liv Mochai (spelling).

Jenn is a Phoenix based artist and photographer. She's a lifelong Phoenix native and resides there now with her husband and kids. When she's not photographing weddings and building community through photography she's usually camping or playing in wild waterways.

Meesh is a holistic health coach with certifications in yoga, health and wellness, art therapy and more.

Next episode:
We talk to Dr. Katherine Schneller Naturopathic Doctor and owner of Natural Inclusive Medicine.

Links and Notes: You can find Kseniya at @⁠Abundantspace⁠ on IG or ⁠⁠ You can find Meesh at @⁠EarthBodyCosmicSoul⁠ on IG You can find Jenn at @⁠JenniferLindSchutsky⁠ on IG ⁠&

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