Do You Think Creativity is Genetic?

I recently asked some of my friends if they thought creativity is genetic and before I share what i think I’ll post a few of their responses as well…

“Hmm I believe both. I feel that people who are naturally artistic and creative have carried it through many lives. But, l also do believe that someone who might not have that natural eye/ability can definitely harness and cultivate it overtime!’ -Kayla

'‘My great-grandma's maiden name was Potter. I will vote for genetic.” -Embla

My sister in law says, “Both!”

(continued below…)

“I think we are all creative beings and how it's nurtured is how it plays out. I come from a lot of creative people but I think the biggest thing I got was being exposed to people around me regularly creating. That made it not seem strange or special but just what people do.” -Hope

Woman poses outdoors in front of plants in Arizona after receiving maternity henna by Phoenix based henna artist Jennifer Lind Schutsky of La Luna Henna.

I have to say I agree I think it’s a mix, I think, sometimes it’s just something you see in people. Some people just have that creativity just like bursting out of them! And other times, it's something that you have to coach. in my experience as a teacher and an art educator; I often see that many kids have that innate ability to be creative and self expressive but what's happened is that at some point someone has told them they're not doing it right and they kind of shut down and retract from those innate skills of creative expression!

Henna by La Luna Henna
Photography by Jennifer Lind Schutsky
(we’re the same person, just two brands - in case you didn’t know)

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