Ace of Pentacles
As we start on our adventure of physical goods and all things materialistic it’s important to remember that money is an energetic relationship. See what awaits you.
A generous hand offers you resources, will you take it?
This could be a new career or financial opportunity, but as you. can see in the card on the right, this new adventure may feel exciting, even exhilarating but how comfortable are you with new opportunities, skills and risks?
This card speaks to abundance in the offering, all is here and ready for you, all you have to do is reach out and take it.
This card is a message of prosperity awaiting you. What are your goals? How can you bring them into the physical realm?
In the RWSC deck you see an abundant flowering garden with an arch way, another symbolism of a portal or door, are you ready to walk through the threshold to abundance and manifesting? Are you willing to take the risk for what adventures await you?
Keywords; physical realm of money, health and all things business.
Mantra: I deserve great things.
Abundance is my birthright.