Summer Photo Challenge

This summer I wanted to host a summer photo challenge so I asked my fellow photographers to participate on instagram and this what we got;


Week 1: Chasing Light: A Play with Shadows" HATS + SHADOWS

Week 2: "Symphony of Shapes: Geometry in Photos" DIFFERENT + ANGLES

Week 3: "Through the Looking Glass: A New Creative Prompt" SMOKE + MIRRORS

Week 4: "Reflections and Refractions: Light Play" COLOR +. LIGHT

Week 5: "Mystery Unveiled: Your Next Photo Challenge" FACES

Week 6: "Urban Jungle: Find Beauty in Chaos" STREET PHOTOGRAPHY

7: "Wild at Heart: Embrace the Wilderness" SOUL + SURROUNDINGS

8: "Texture Tales: Feel and Photograph” TEXTURE AND REPETITION

9: "Serenity Scenes: Peaceful Captures" LANDSCAPE + LOCATION

10: "Abstract Adventures: Beyond the Ordinary" TOO CLOSE TO TELL

11: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Seek and Capture" NOTICE WHAT YOU NOTICE

12: "Journey Through Time: Vintage Vibes Prompt" TIMELESS TIME TRAVELER

13: "Evoke Emotion: Discover Your Inner Storyteller" SELF PORTRAIT